TYO Concert Dress Code
Concerts serve as periodic end-goals for the weekly rehearsal of TYO ensembles and give members the opportunity to perform publicly. Uniformity in dress contributes to the professional presentation of the youth orchestras
Ladies: White blouse, black dress pants OR full length skirt, black hose and black shoes. No bare arms, bare legs or mini skirts.
Gentlemen: Long-sleeve white shirt, black pants, black socks, black shoes, and black bow ties. Black cummerbunds are optional.
Chamber Orchestra-
Ladies: Long black dresses OR long black skirts and black tops giving the appearance of a long black dress; black hose and black shoes. Also acceptable are long, loose-fitting black pants. No sleeveless dresses or tops; no bare arms, bare backs or bare legs.
Gentlemen: All black attire with a dress tie: Long-sleeve black shirt, black pants, black socks, black shoes
Symphony Orchestra-
Ladies: Long black dresses OR long black skirts and black tops giving the appearance of a long black dress; black hose and black shoes. Also acceptable are long, loose-fitting black pants. No sleeveless dresses or tops; no bare arms, bare backs or bare legs.
Gentlemen: Black tuxedo jackets and pants, white shirts, black bow-ties, black socks and black shoes. Black cummerbunds are optional.
Concertblack.com & Concertdress.com both offer many options for ladies’ concert wear.
What is a "Call Time"?
Call Time is an industry term that is the actual time you are due on stage. There’s a saying that goes: If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If your call time is 1:00 PM then you are to be in your seat, instrument in hand and ready to play at that time.
For rehearsal days, your call time is the posted starting of your ensemble. For concert days we will email everyone the music hall location and call times for each of the concerts about a week prior to the concert date.
It's a good idea to always plan to arrive to the location a good 15 minutes to avoid being late. Always plan time for parking and walking to your assigned location.
Is it okay to skip rehearsals?
Being offered your seat says that you are a valuable member of your ensemble. It also means that you have entered into an agreement with your orchestral ensemble as a fully participating member. By registering, you say that you understand and have agreed to prepare, practice, and be there. TYO's Attendance Policy is set to offer you some flexibility with your other activities and also hold everyone to the same standard of participation. Students will be allowed one pre-excused and one emergency absence per concert cycle. Your lack of attendance and/or tardiness can affect your concert participation and seating. Read the full policy HERE